Tuesday, 7 July 2020


Ruperra Castle Preservation Trust
Ymddiriedolaeth Diogelu Castell Rhiw’rperrai
Patron / Nodwr  Jack Hanbury Deputy Lieutenant of Gwent.
President / Llywydd  Jeff Cuthbert Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent.

RE: 19/0788/LBC and 19/0787/COU: Conservation repairs and conversion of ancillary listed buildings consisting of the Former Dairy and Laundry 19/0790/LBC and 19/0789/COU : Carry out conservation repairs, conversion and change of use of ancillary curtilage building consisting of a former Greenhouse store to provide an alternative bat roost at Ruperra Castle Rudry Road to Craig Llan, Rudry.
You may have already sent in an objection to the above applications, but if you haven’t please could you do so now? Even if you have objected previously, , there is no harm in adding extra points.  We are also writing to the heritage experts who have helped us in the past.  We find it incomprehensible that Cadw has said that it has no objection to the planning applications, so we feel we must stand up for the Castle as a Scheduled Ancient Monument and 2* Listed Building.  We hope you agree and that you will use some or all of the following points in your email or letter:
1. There is no mention of repair to the Castle in these applications despite the numerous designations that are supposed to protect the area and its precious heritage assets; 
2. NRW has lodged a holding objection to the applications subject to more surveys being undertaken of the protected species on the site - including a nationally important maternity roost of Greater Horseshoe Bats in the Generator Block - and redesign to reduce its ecological impact;
3.  SAVE Britain’s Heritage gave money for repair of the South Porch, but this had to be used to remove a dangerous chimney stack; before the proposed work on the Porch could re-start. The owner carried out unauthorised clearance work so the licence for further work on the Castle was withdrawn by NRW;
4. In RCPT’s view residential use of the Stable Block and Bothy would bring activity, lighting and noise close to the Castle at all hours of the day and night, removing any prospect of an environmental and ecological solution that would accord with the Climate Emergency declared by the Council and with the Council’s duties under the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations Act; and
5. The Environment (Wales) Act of 2016 put in place legislation necessary to manage Wales’ natural resources in a more proactive, sustainable and joined up way. Further to this protection is the letter to all Heads of Planning from Neil Hemington, Chief Planner, Welsh Government, dated 23 October 2019 stating that: Planning Policy Wales Edition 10 sets out (in para 6.4.5) that “planning authorities must seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the exercise of their functions.  This means that development should not cause any significant loss of habitats or populations of species, locally or nationally and must provide a net benefit for biodiversity.”  
Because of the above RCPT considers that both applications should be refused.  Unless Welsh Government decides to call-in the applications, decisions on them are likely to be taken by Caerphilly County Borough Council this autumn.  We urge you to write to the Council with your views to: planadmin@caerphilly.gov.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Many thanks                                                     Pat Jones-Jenkins, RCPT Secretary
Registered in Cardiff / Cofrestrwyd yng Nghaerdydd .Rhif 6656134    Charity Number / Rhif Elisen 1135940 
Chair / Cadair  Kay Powell powellkays@gmail.com   Sec./Ysgr patjonesjenkins@googlemail.com 01656 741622
Registered address Cyfeiriad cofrestredig / Areithin,  Heol Ton,  Ton Kenfig,  CF33 4PS    www.ruperra.wales